Friday, July 18, 2008

Liquid City~ Comic book out in Oct 2008

The incredibly talented Sonny Liew contacted me way back when to create a cover piece for a comic anthology that has mainly asian creators. It will be published by Image. here's the WIP he put up on his website:

For the finished book check your local bookstores in Oct!



Ben Mauro said...

lookin' good Shelly.

Javi Recio said...

looks great the cover!!!! Im really impresive with your paintings..

EL GRANDE said...

Great work.

Joe y Elio

Bobby Pontillas said...
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Bobby Pontillas said...

It was great meeting you at the ComicCon Shelly! The print I bought from you is gorgeous!

Chris Sears said...

Thanks again for the print Shelly. Will talk to you soon.

AMSartor said...

Hey Shelly
I stopped by your booth briefly, it was nice to talk to you and see all your work in print. Really inspirational!