Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AMAZING Russian Artist~

I found this wonderful, wonderful work blog-hopping some weeks back! It's so hauntingly graceful/sophisticated that i just had to share with you!

To see more of these work(MANY pages of them!!) go here.

Best Best,

P.S. If anyone knew how to read Russian, would you mind shedding some light on how to get in touch with this wonderful artist...? I would LOVE to buy a piece from him!

: Big Thanks to all those who helped!! Found his Livejournal page and phone~


Anton Batov said...

His contact in LJ: http://votsmush.livejournal.com/profile

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that he could sell outside of Ukraine or Russia, but you always can ask him directly

This's his lj account

It says that "Pictures that are on sale labeled with Euro sign. The cost varies from 1k to 4k euro. All questions should be asked through personal messages through Live Journal. Pictures are located in Sevastopol, Ukraine and can be shipped to Moscow" Hope it was helpful

Thanos said...

Found this site:


Hope it helps, not sure if there is a contact there though...

Warlord Blade said...

You're right that is amazing stuff! There are so many Russian Artists who I'd love to collect. That's a tough site to navigate, although beautiful! The only information I found on the site was a Russian telephone number:
"Dear Friends! If you want to inquire about buying liked works here is a commercial telephone Maestro: 3 809 54 54 1218." but I am not sure that is his actual contact or somebody else. The artist Alexander Shumtsov, he seems to go by Arush Wotsmush (Shura Shumstov backwards) as well... Hopefully that helps! Thanks for sharing this and your works!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I just stumbled upon your post and I happen to speak Russian. Unfortunately, there is no clear contact information on the artist's site. All I have found is a thread on their forum where some guest leaves a telephone number which supposedly belongs to the artist (here it is translated with Google http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=0&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.votsmush.com%2Findex.php%3Fnma%3Dforumd%26fla%3Dtopic%26forum%3D1%26ids%3D7). I'm afraid that's all I can help you with. Have a nice day!

El hombre antigüo said...
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Tom Scholes said...

Hehehe this guy is depressing everyone with his talent lately.

I want a booooooooooooooook.

Jackson Sze said...

What a find, Shelly. Thanks for sharing!

Andrew Aviles said...

That is really beautiful work, thanks for sharing and glad you found some info, I'm definitely inspired (^_^)

William Bradford said...

lovely stuff. unique style, everything has an interesting grace through it. Poor alligator T-T...

Mind Miner said...

Agreeing with Tom Scholes there haha. Good stuff.