Friday, November 07, 2008

Joao Ruas has a Flickr account...

And it has made my day!!! Check out these amazing WIP pieces.... i would love every single one of them on my wall... ^____^ Eerily contemporary yet has something so eternal and mystical in its core... Love love love.




Unknown said...
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Tim Durning said...

wow, thanks for the link. he has some really amazing work- and even better, process pics. where'd you learn about his work? a gallery show?

Andreas M said...

Thanks for the link Shelly
He has a website/blog thing too:

Joshua James said...

O O!

I haven't checked his blog in a long while! Thanks for the heads up!

armel said...


we've never met, but I've heard of you by a mutual friend, Nicolas Weis (he even sent me a postcard of one of your paintings, once). I just wanted to tell you I like your work very much, and I tagged your blog on mine.

Armel Gaulme

Izzy Medrano said...

Thank you so much for that. This guy is quite fucking brilliant!!!