Wednesday, October 08, 2008

For R

From Jeremy's workshop~ 6 hours.
The workshop will start again in Nov. If you were interested please check out his website here~

*Vote Ron Paul*


david s. hong said...

wow that is beautiful shelly!

William Bradford said...

Lookin good, as always.

Lettie Lo said...

love the energy and feeling <3

jehan said...

Love the temperatures in this one.

Congrats on the endless reflections show, that's a crazy list of artists you're showing with!

Thanks again for the crits and stuff at comic con =)

Stephen James. said...

This is great work.

When you say Jeremy would this be Lipking?

dugbuddy said...

your brushes sing.

Sunder said...

Beautiful work, shelly!
This is Sunder, the dude you barely met in San Diego 2 years ago before I passed out in a drunken stupor.

What are you up to these days?

C.B. Canga said...

well done as always

Buci said...

outstanding your work is inspirational!