Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another little WIP~ Very much inspired by Turner. i am going off to watch a movie now~ :)



Rob Rey said...

Looks like it's going to be a real beauty! Nice work.

Laura said...
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Laura said...

This is so beautiful! I love how the paint strokes meld right into each other but you can still tell exactly what's going on and the main elements/focus of the piece is immediately distinguishable.
Wow, gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

The colors and the motion blend in a manner that moves me back to another era in time. Of course, the subject matter has a direct influence on this mental time travel. It is a beautiful work and one that would be the focal point of wherever it was located. There is a total originality about your work that exists in the now, but one that I find can move from past to present and back again with ease. It is a mode of transportation that I liken to a streamliner of surreality. Robert

Apotheosis said...

Hi there
I've been following your work lately and I would just like to say that I really like it. You seem to develop your own identity quite fast. Looking forward to see if any of your work appears in the upcoming Spectrum collection.

Jeremy D said...

Lovely srokes. Looking forward to seeing the final.

And Turner happens to be my fav.